Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Devotional

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”
(Proverbs 18:10 / ESV)

There is power and promise in the very name of the Lord.

I love the Proverbs. They are full of practical wisdom, such as the last verse in Chapter 17
which says, “Even a fool  who keeps silent is considered wise. . .” That’s practical wisdom
and we all need it! Then, framed in the middle of Chapter 18 is another verse that uplifts,
sustains and directs us to the Source and Power of all wisdom. That is our greatest need!

Sometimes all of us feel weak and inadequate, especially if we are treading in deep waters.
In those times we come to realize that the best antidote is to pray and seek God’s wisdom
through His word. Remarkably, a verse will stand out to us such as this one, encouraging us
that we have a strong tower beckoning us to safety—all we have to do is call on the NAME
of the Lord.  Too simple? Not if you understand the power in that name.

Remember the shepherd-boy, David, who went up against the giant, Goliath, with a mere
sling and stone? But before he delivered that stone, which fatally wounded the Philistine
he delivered these words: “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin
but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts. . .” (I Samuel 17:45 / ESV)

We know David was a strong lad (probably with good aim) who had struck down both lions
and bears (vs. 36).  But, would a mere stone have the power to take down the giant? Read
of that giant’s mighty dimensions! Not many of us would trust in that, nor did David. He had
learned Who had given him the strength and power to protect his herd before. He also knew
that to call on His name was a summons for the “present help” and power he needed.

If the water you are treading seems deep, or if you have a few giants to slay, call out His
NAME; lift it on high. Yes, exalt it. I know it helps because I’ve tried it. When I find myself
slipping into a mood of self-pity, loneliness or depression I have found that the practice of
simply lifting His name on high lifts me out of despair onto a higher plane. I simply start by
saying, “Lord, I lift your name on high.” Then, the Holy Spirit reminds me of WHAT He is to
me and I call out these names: “My Savior, Holy Comforter, Great Physician, Shepherd,
Almighty God, and my Strong Tower.” Amazingly, through this reminder of His wonder-
ful attributes and the benefits of knowing Him, I find myself in Holy Communion with Him. 

Yes, there is power and promise in His name. ”They will call upon my name and I will answer
them.” (Zechariah 13:8 / ESV)

Written by Joy Wright. Joy, mom to Hope Clinic staff member Robbin Holland, has raised three daughters, two sons, has 17 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren (number 6, Robbin’s first grandchild is due any day). This is Joy’s third year of writing for the “Journey”,  an online devotional for Calvary Church, Charlotte, NC.